
Sessions are a way to group your traces together. They are useful when you want to group traces that are related to a single user interaction or a single request.

For example, if your application is a conversational chatbot, where at every turn in the conversation your application does several things, such as processing the user input, calling the database, and generating a response, you might want to represent each turn in the conversation as a trace, and the whole conversation as a session.

Sending sessions


Make sure to install the package and get your API key from the Laminar dashboard. Read more in Installation.

Associate a trace with a session

Simply call the Laminar.set_session(session_id="session123") within or outside any span context. All the subsequent spans will be associated with the session.

from lmnr import Laminar as L, observe


def my_function():
    # your code here

    # optionally, at the end of the session, you can clear the session id

Viewing sessions

Go to Laminar traces page and either filter the traces by session_id or search by part of the session id in the searh bar. Because sessions are stored in span attributes, partial match search will work.