1. Install Laminar

npm install @lmnr-ai/lmnr

2. Initialize Laminar

You would usually need to import and initialize Laminar before importing any instrumentable modules. This is because JavaScript binds the imported module to its name at import time, so introducing instrumentation afterwards statically is not possible. However, this is not a very clean solution and it may not always work.

Thus, the best workaround is to pass instrumentModules to .initialize(). The example below shows how to do this for OpenAI and Anthropic.

import OpenAI from 'openai';
import * as anthropic from '@anthropic-ai/sdk';
import { Laminar as L } from '@lmnr-ai/lmnr';

    projectApiKey: process.env.LMNR_PROJECT_API_KEY,
    instrumentModules: {openAI: OpenAI, anthropic: anthropic}

Here’s the list of modules that you can instrument:

  • openAI
  • anthropic
  • azureOpenAI
  • cohere
  • bedrock
  • google_vertexai
  • google_aiplatform
  • pinecone
  • langchain:
    • chainsModule
    • agentsModule
    • toolsModule
    • runnablesModule
    • vectorStoreModule
  • llamaIndex
  • chromadb
  • qdrant

3. Add Laminar initialization to every API route

Similarly to previous step, import and initialize Laminar at the top of every API route.

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you need help with this.