
Pipeline – an instance of a complete workflow.

Pipeline version – a saved snapshot of a pipeline, similar to a git commit.

Workshop version - a pipeline version manually committed from Laminar’s pipeline page.

Endpoint version - a version created when a pipeline is deployed to an endpoint.

Node – a core component of a pipeline that performs data transformation and passes the result downstream.

Handle – an input or output point of a node. Input handles of one node can be connected to output handles of another one.

Env variable - an environment variable for the project’s scope, which is used for the nodes, which require it.

Getting started

When you create new project you will first be redirected to the projects pipeline page.

Alternatively, find it in the navigation column on the left. In the example below, we are in the pipelines page of the “docs” project

navbar with pipelines selected

First, create a pipeline, by clicking “New pipeline” button in the pipelines page. Give it a custom name. You will be redirected to the page of the newly created pipeline. Your pipeline will have initially have two nodes - one Input node and one Output node.