
Flow builder is the main part in the middle of the page, where you can build your pipeline.

Adding nodes

Drag and drop a node from the right sidebar to add it to the flow.

Removing nodes

Click the node, and then click the wastebin icon that appears above the node to delete it. Alternatively, click on a node and press “Delete” on your keyboard. Be careful, this action will not trigger an “are you sure” dialog and cannot be undone.

Connecting nodes

Drag and drop from the output handle of one node to the input handle of the other node to connect two nodes. Read more.

Removing connections

Hover over a connection (edge) and click a red cross in its center to delete it. Alternatively, disconnect the edge by dragging one of its ends away from a node handle.

Click and hold anywhere and move your mouse to move the view. Scroll with the mouse to zoom in and out.

Loops and cyclic connections

Our flow also supports loops. Any node’s output handle can be connected to another node’s input handle to create loops.

Node information

The information icon on top of each node will take you to the relevant docs page.

In the top of the page, there is a header with all the crucial navigation info.

In the very left, path to the pipeline in the format project_name / pipelines / pipeline_name is shown. If you click the word “pipelines”, you will be redirected back to the page with all the pipelines within the project.

Version control

To the right of navigation info, there is a menu for version control. Here you can find:

  • Version dropdown to select a version
  • “Commit” button to create a new commit.
  • “Deploy” button to deploy to an endpoint.
  • “Overwrite workshop” button to clone the currently seen commit to the workshop version of this pipeline, in order to make changes

In addition, here you can control quick access to the env variables required for execution.

The left sidebar contains basic version info and the inputs control.

Pipeline version info

Contains the version name, and the (commit) version uuid for debugging purposes.

Execution inputs control

This menu contains fields for the inputs of the pipeline execution. Every input field here corresponds to every input node in the flow.

Fill the inputs in and click run. You can click “Add parallel execution” to add another group of inputs. This will stage another execution, and when you click run, those will be run in parallel. You can click ”-” sign on the right of each input group to unstage/remove a parallel execution.

If your input is of type “ChatMessageList”, you can manually upload the chat history here. Click “Add message” to append a new message. Click on the “USER” or “ASSISTANT” label to toggle the role. “SYSTEM” message is sent to LLMs throught the “prompt” field on LLM node. Click the ”-” sign to the right of each message to remove it.

Right sidebar contains the list of all possible nodes that you can add to the flow. To add a node to the flow, drag it from here and drop it to the flow view in the middle.

View controls

The icons in the top-right allow you to hide/show the left and right sidebars.

Bottom drawer

The bottom drawer shows the execution outputs. This includes the outputs of this run and the history of runs of this version. The latter is a minimised version of the logs page.

The bottom drawer pulls up once the execution of the pipeline starts. You can, however, resize it either using the handle in the middle or the fullscreen button in the top of the drawer.