
Cosine similarity between two embedding vectors for the input normalized to the range of 0.0 - 1.0. To be more specific, it computes the cosine of the “angle” between two embedding vectors, adds 1 and divides the result by 2.

The score is then averaged for all outputs of the pipeline.


These are two gpt-3.5-turbo-generated haikus about cheese, and one example of dissimilar strings

"In creamy embrace,\nMelted dreams upon my tongue,\nCheese, my mouth's delight""Milky moon unfolds,\nCascading curds, divine treat,\nCheese dreams weave their spell"0.803100049495697
"Soft as clouds, it rests,\nGouda melts on eager tongue,\nCheese dreams come alive.""Melted on bread's crust,\nSavoring bliss, taste transcends,\nCheese's golden touch."0.7639690637588501
"Roses are red""Are you gonna buy a flight ticket?"0.4335864782333374